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Results for "keyword: "solitude""
An Awakening Spirit A beautiful collection of passages from women's poetry and prose.
The Fire of Your Life Poignant Christian meditations on the church year by a life-professed solitary.
Stillness A presentation of the benefits of quiet-alone time for stressed-out and discontent souls.
Eternal Echoes A three-hour exploration of the crisis of belonging in our time when so many people feel isolated and cut off from the sources of life.
Desert Banquet David Keller on how the sweetness of the cell is communion with God and a chance to pray for others.
Prayer of the Heart George Maloney on how silence and solitude can open our hearts to attentive listening to God's word.
The Element Book of Mystical Verse A poem by A E I Falconer about silence.
Questions from the City, Answers from the Forest Wisdom from this forest mendicant sheds light on the essential spiritual challenges facing many urban dwellers.
From Beginning to End An up-close and personal look at ritual.
The Wonders of Solitude 300 quotations complied and edited by Dale Salwak.